Gum removal is the bane of many carpet owners. A common removal method involves freezing the gum with an ice cube, then cracking off the residue with the back of a spoon. This works when the gum is only on the surface of the carpet. However, this method can damage the carpet when the gum has been worked into the pile, as it may break off fibres during gum removal.
There are increasingly fewer solvents available to consumers, and professional methods often require strong solvents. The ASE laboratory has documented a new, simple gum removal method for both consumer and professional use. This method is most useful in situations where there is an occasional need to remove chewed gum.
Equipment Required:
- Hand-held electric hair dryer
- 6 to 12 squares (75mm x 75mm) of polyethylene film (e.g., cut from Zip-Loc bags)
- Extra Strength Deep-Heating Rub containing 30% methyl salicylate (e.g., Extra Strength Ben Gay or equivalent)
- Clear or white mild dishwashing detergent (e.g., Ivory clear or equivalent) mixed one teaspoon in one cup of warm water
- White towelling and a sponge
- Have squares of polyethylene film ready.
- Heat the gum residue with a hand-held hair dryer set on high for 30 to 90 seconds. Do not bring the hair dryer too close to the carpet, as it is possible to melt some carpet fibres with high temperatures.
- Use the polyethylene squares to remove as much of the warm softened gum as possible. The gum can largely be “picked off” the surface of the carpet.
- Reheat the gum with the hair dryer, then pick and wipe it with a fresh square of film several times. This removes approximately 80% of the gum residue.
- Rub one gram (1/2 teaspoon) of the extra strength deep-heating rub evenly into the remaining gum residue.
- Heat the residue and deep-heating rub for 30 to 90 seconds with the hair dryer. Wipe and pick the area repeatedly with fresh polyethylene squares. This step helps to remove the remaining bits of gum from between the carpet pile yarns.
- Work the area in one direction, then in the opposite direction. Repeat if necessary.
- Soak a sponge in the mild detergent solution and partially wring it out. Blot the area containing the gum residue with this solution to remove the deep-heating rub.
- Blot the area with clean, dry, white towelling to remove the excess solution.
- Blot the area with plain water to remove the detergent, then finally blot with dry towelling.
- Allow the carpet to dry in daylight if possible. The daylight helps to gently bleach any residual colour, especially from green-coloured gum.
If a slight stickiness remains from the gum residue after the carpet has dried, carefully reheat the area again with a hair dryer and remove the last traces of gum with polyethylene film using the picking and wiping motion described previously.
This method works very well on synthetic carpets.