▪ A higher strength product developed for the remediation industry.
▪ Specially designed to be used in air handlers, with the gel evaporating & continuously sanitising the internal parts of the unit whilst decontaminating incoming & outgoing air streams.
▪ Kills 99.9% of airborne bacteria, mould & spores.
▪ Can be used as a component of compliance with AS/NZS 3666.2 Air-handling and water systems of buildings—Microbial control Part 2: Operation and maintenance
▪ Water-based gel evaporates into the air & spreads through the entire indoor space. As it comes into contact with microbes, in the air & on surfaces, the germ dies as it stops the bacteria from reproducing & mould from receiving oxygen, preventing growth & reproduction.
▪ Life Span: 6-8 weeks once opened, based on graph below.

Data Sheet SAN-AIR ADV Air Handers Refills (ASE)

SDS Air Handler Gel

Weight 1 kg
Dimensions 20 × 15 × 10 cm



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